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Saturday, March 26, 2011

In recent posts, it has come to my attention that my writings are some what drab, bleak, they do not even catch my own eye, and I am the author. I have decided to rotate this blog into my opinion blog on current events, quotes, societal situations, ect. So sit back enjoy… and also, don’t take my opinion too personally. Like Dr. Phil says, “opinions are like butts, everyone has one and they all seem to stink.”

For the past couple months now, I have had a strange urge to obtain a job. Not a full time job or just a babysitting job, but a part time job. This is a strange feeling for me since I have never really been gung ho about having a job to complete, so as I let my mind race through appropriate jobs I could possibly obtain, I started to question myself as to why I so desperately aspired to work, then it hit me like a ton of bricks. A job is something you do because someone needs someone else to do something for them. As I thought through this, I realized the most significant part of that sentence, ‘someone needs someone else’. Those four words could not be more fitting. Everyone not only needs but wants to be wanted and needed. The sheer force of wanting to be wanted is such a powerful and defining characteristic of our soul, it simply cannot be ignored, no matter how much we wish it could sometimes. Wanting to be needed or needing to be wanted, whichever applies, is in my opinion the most humbling need one could ever openly declare.
After I noticed this, various needs of others began to draw my attention. At home, the want to be needed is more than met. My home for me is a place of candid, compelling love. Whether the dishwasher needs to be unloaded or the laundry needs to be done or even just a reassuring hug, whatever is at the top of the needs list, it seems to never fail to achieve what it is obliged to. At school, needs are much more lucid, being that it is typically a need for sleep, a pencil, or extra time on an assignment. All of these seem to root from needing someone. It is only human nature to want to be needed and need one other. Proof is in the history, Adam and Eve is a excellent and timeless example of an individual’s desire for need and want. Adam took the fruit from Eve because he loved her, trusted her, and aspired to be needed by her. Though he was certainly wrong for eating from the tree of knowledge, he did because he needed to be wanted.
It is unknown to me why God gave us such a powerful urge for others, then again, it is unknown to me most of the things God does. God gives us needs for others that are unfathomable to me, and the simple need to be wanted is so mind blowing, I have no other choice to oblige to it. What I am certain of is this: I feel like a could walk on water when I am needed or wanted, my sister fulfills my need for being wanted every single day.  I will continue to question things like this every day, not only because it is important to me, but it is important to society as well. I feel gathering opinions like these that help base our world are healthy and stimulating.


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

These go with the previous blog.

It's been awhile...

Obviously, its been awhile since I have blogged, sorry! Anyways, this is what you missed,

  • Soccer season is over, we made it to second round of playoffs, and were they only team in our district to even score against them so that was a plus.  The final score was 4 to 2 and 2 of our best plays got yellow/ red carded. (they got taken out for the rest of the game.)
  • I applied to be a diamond girl and was accepted, so I'll be working games again this year. Last year I learned so much!!
  • Progress reports came out last Thursday and I had all A's and 1 B. 
  • Anna is playing basket ball, they haven't won a game yet, but they have only played 2 and lost both games by 1 point.
  • I think I am getting a job soon at the pharmacy!! Finally.
  • Mom turned 44 this year and got a Tangled cupcake cake and a heated mattress top.
Thats all I can think of right now, but I'll try to be a little more constant in my blogging!!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Sunny Day(:

Yeehaw! My first varsity game is tomorrow. I'm super pumped about it. Wish me luck.
Also, I took part in a political debate today... and won!!! I couldn't decide which party to argue, so i just picked democratic. Normally, I expect Mondays to to drab and bland but I was happily proven wrong today.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

new blog/ catchup

I'm proud to announce my new blog! This is pretty much for family members and non-facebookers who might be interested in my day to day life. So far, there isnt much going on. Soccer is a big deal right now and so is school... I'll be applying for msms is the spring and i have just taken the ACT! That was a big accomplishment.
A few weeks ago, the whittington family was preparing to relocate with my dad and his job but we are no longer moving which makes me very happy! My parents have moved churches.. actually they are searching for a new church. I however have chosen to keep attending Mount Vernon because i am very connected to the youth there and enjoy the services.
My sister and I are both in showchoir at our schools. At the beginning, I was scared it was a bad idea to take the class but I was happily proven very wrong! Anna enjoys the class but doesn't love it..
Soccer, as I mentioned earlier, is a big deal right now, mainly because it takes so much time and effort but i really enjoy it and I'm looking forward to this years's season!
I know this isnt written very well but I just wanted to catch everyone up!